Questions & Answers
Q. What is a 3-D tunnel book?
A. 3-D tunnel book is a book with a hole through it.
Each page has a specially shaped hole in it. The first page has a large hole and then they get smaller with each page so that it looks like you’re going through a tunnel. Or your diving down through the ocean. or you walking through a doorway…
Q. What included in your 3-D Tunnel Book kit?
A. Each kit comes with everything you need included to make your own cool 3 dimensional book with jointed characters that you can move and play with!
The 3-D tunnel book comes with pre punched pieces. You just popped the pieces out and put them together. Use the double sided tape included to stick them to the pages. And use the 3 provided metal rings to put your book together. Super easy!
(And, your book's pages will also fits in a standard three ring binder. Which makes it perfect for school projects! :)
You get:
- 100 white mini brands
- 16 vibrant watercolors
- 3 beautiful iridescent gold, white and silver paint pants.
- And of course easy to follow directions.
Q. Is there a story or words in the book?
A. Nope. That's the fun of it! :)
This fabulous open ended make-your-own book kit allows you to make and add your own story to the characters. Or you could add a poem or research as well!
Q. What if I don’t know how to draw?
A. You don’t have to draw to be able to make your own book!
That's why we made the kit! You can paint random colors on the pages and pieces and it will still look amazing when assembled!
Q. How do I make Stop Motion Animation with my 3-D Tunnel Book kit?
A. We’ve taken the hard part out of making Stop Motion Animation by making the characters in the Deluxe size 3D Tunnel Book kits articulated or jointed!
Put them together with the mini braids and then you can move them. Use a free Stop Motion Animation app on your phone or iPad. Just make a small move with the joints. Make another small move. Make another small move, etc.. And next thing you know you have a stop motion animation!