About Us: The 3D Tunnel Books Journey

Welcome to the world of 3D Tunnel Books, where creativity meets a dash of chaos and a sprinkle of inspiration—courtesy of my two energetic boys who never fail to keep life interesting!

The story of 3D Tunnel Books started with a simple request—or, more accurately, a rather persistent one. One day, my boys came running into the house with something clasped in their hands.

“Look, Momma, I caught a frog! I named him Mr. Frogman! Can we keep him!?”

Another time, it was a box turtle in, well, a box. The list goes on and on…

Now, as much as I love encouraging their exploration of nature, the thought of a large, nocturnal American toad peeing on me and getting loose in the living room—or a box turtle wandering under the couch—didn’t quite align with my idea of indoor fun. (Plus, box turtles are protected, and I’m fairly certain our dog wouldn’t know what to make of it!)

So, with my best attempt at diplomacy, I replied, “No, babe, we can’t keep them, but how about we make one? We’ll go to the craft store and get a box turtle we can create ourselves!”

How It All Began...

The Search for the Perfect Craft

Off we went, the boys bouncing with excitement, visions of cool craft projects dancing in their heads. We scoured the aisles of the craft store, looking for something—anything—but there was nothing!

No box turtles, no toads, no snakes, nothing remotely related to nature and the outdoors.

After what felt like hours of searching, with the boys starting to lose hope (and me starting to lose patience), I found myself staring at the craft papers and said, “I’m an artist! Why don’t I just make one for you?!”

From Chaos to Craft

Let’s be honest, the journey wasn’t always smooth. Picture this: two kids, a curious dog, and a basement room that often looked like a tornado had ripped through an art store. But amidst the chaos, something kind of cool happened.

We started creating animals that were jointed and could move! The boys could paint and then play with a turtle, a toad, a dolphin, or a dragon to their heart's content!

Crafting Magic

That’s when the magic really started. Animal by animal, we began to create what would eventually become the Totem Poppet animals. They were made from recycled chipboard, and you could buy your favorite color mini brads to put them together. Each one even had a write-up about the symbolism of the animal!

I took them to craft shows and conferences, helping hundreds of little kids make their own movable Totem Poppet animals. People loved them. And so did store owners!

But… I also kept hearing how they wanted to make something like the sample book I was displaying the Totem Poppet animals in…

Diving Deeper into the Craft World... :O From Toads to Tunnel Books and then Stop-Motion Movies!

We made lots of cool crafts with our Totem Poppet animals. You can explore all of these fun how-tos and tutorials on our blog. But it soon became apparent that they needed a home.

I began cutting and creating layer upon layer of beautiful, intricate pages for the ocean Totem Poppet animals. We were really into Octonauts at the time, and soon we were exploring the levels of the oceans. The resulting book told a story in a way no ordinary book could. The kids loved it, and honestly, so did I.

Every page was an adventure, every tunnel a portal to a new world. My boys would play with the creatures and the books, imagining themselves in the scenes we created—and they even started using them to create movies of their own! They started using the designs to create stop-motion animations. And somewhere between trying futilely to clean up glitter and wash “Indian War Paint” off the dog’s face, I realized we had stumbled onto something special.

And so, the 3D Tunnel Book art and craft kits were born! We turned our love for nature and storytelling into a series of intricate, layered scenes that could transport you to another world with each turn of the page.

What started as a quest to keep toads out of the living room turned into a creative adventure that we couldn’t wait to share with others.

Each 3D Tunnel Book became a story in itself, a miniature world that you could explore, build, and personalize

Crafting for Everyone

The best part? These 3D Tunnel Books aren’t just for kids. They’re for anyone who loves to create, explore, and get lost in a world of imagination. Whether you’re a parent looking for a creative project to do with your kids, a grandparent wanting to share a special moment, or just someone who appreciates the beauty of a good book (with a twist!), our 3D Tunnel Books are made for you.

We’ve designed each book to be a fun, hands-on experience that you can share with your loved ones to create lasting memories together. And if you’re anything like us, you’ll find that the process of creating these books is just as rewarding as the finished product.

Our Promise

At the heart of 3D Tunnel Books is a commitment to creativity, family, and a little bit of humor. We promise to keep bringing you new and exciting designs that will captivate your imagination, all while saving your home from unexpected amphibious guests.

So, grab your favorite 3D Tunnel Book art and craft kit, and let’s create something amazing together! Because in our world, every book is a portal to an adventure—and we’re thrilled to have you along for the ride!

— Erin Sparler, Creative Chaos Coordinator & Founder of EyeConnect Crafts

P.S. Don’t worry, no glue sticks were permanently attached to any dogs in the making of these books… maybe a little paint… but it was washable! ;)