July Design Challenge!
July 20 is National Moon Day!
Moon Day commemorates the day man first walked on the moon in 1969. The Apollo Space program, begun by President John F. Kennedy, was created to put the first man on the moon. Apollo 11 fulfilled that dream, carrying astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. What an amazing and historic event it was! On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 was launched from Cape Kennedy Space Center atop a huge Saturn V rocket. On July 20, 1969, the Lunar Module, nicknamed the "Eagle", touched down on the surface of the moon at Tranquility Base. Upon landing, Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong reported "The Eagle Has Landed". A few hours later, Neil Armstrong, stepped off of the Eagle's ladder, placed one foot upon the moon's surface and proclaimed: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". [caption width="240" id="attachment_5740" align="alignnone"]

July Design Challenge Prizes:
Each month we draw a winner who gets a $25 voucher to spend on EyeConnect Crafts!
Design Challenge Directions:
To enter the design challenge just add your "linky" (ie. a link) below the blog post!
Design Challenge Rules:
- All entries need to include chipboard or cardboard in some form, either as embellishments, a background or whatever. Please feel free to get creative! Please let us know in the titel or comments what part of your design is chipboard.
- Please use this month's theme as the subject in your project. You may use other objects and subjects as well, but the design challenge's theme should be obvious and easy to see.
- Please add new work with a direct link to your entry post: you must link to the specific post, not just your blog. Entry is via the linking tool only.
- You may join our design challenge with up to FIVE separate entries, or combine our challenge with as many other design challenges you like.
- Please include a link back to our design challenge
- We must receive at least 5 entries to pick a winner.
- Please consider turning off word verification on your blog if you would like to receive comments from us. Our Design Team may not comment if your entry is uploaded from a site requiring a login.
- Following our blog is optional, but very much appreciated :-)
- We reserve the right to remove entries that don't meet these requirements.
Feel free to ask us should you have any questions! (email Erin at erin@eyeconnectcrafts.com)
Closing date for entries:
Last Day of the Month at Midnight, Eastern Daylight Savings Time