How to Make A Marionette Using A Totem Poppet

There are so many amazing ways to craft and use the EyeConnect Totem Poppets, but one of my favorites is turning them into puppets. Marionettes are loads of fun to play with, but if you've ever tried to make one, it can get complicated in a hurry! Thankfully, the Totem Poppets are made to move, so turning them into marionettes is effortless. Here's how I turned the Wolf Poppet into a Wolf Marionette Puppet!

Making a Marionette Using A Totem Poppet

First, I started off by coloring my totem using an ink pad. I've sometimes learned the easiest way to get this done is to sponge the pad across my project. Next, I wanted to add a molted look to the coloring of the wolf, so I used a spray ink. While it was wet, it looked perfect. Unfortunately, as you can see in the picture below, when it dried the spots completely disappeared. Since I was still dead set on creating a detailed look, I used the Smooch accents to draw on fur. Finally, I put my totem together using the mini brads. Then, I tied both ends of a piece of thread to the front and back of the wolf. From there I simply looped it repeatedly around the two ends of the small dowel. You can always cut two individual pieces of thread and tie the totem to the dowel that way. However, I think it is easier to find the right length when you just wrap it around the dowel. That way, if a smaller child is playing with it, you can easily shorten it for them. ย 


Totem Wolf Mini Brads Brown Ink Pads Black Ink Spray Smooch Accents Small Dowel String (I used a thick quilting thread)
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